
Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Visual contrast

Here's the video clip:

Points to discuss:

What are the ways directors can contrast in film? In tone, art direction, blocking, camera
movement, and color.

What is contrasted in Spike Jonze’s ad? The color inside her, lighting, and the space too.

Why did he contrast these things? To make the audience feel grabbed their atterntion
and it also shows meaningful, emotional, and intelligent.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Visual motifs

Here's the video clip:

Points to discuss:

What is a motif?  A motif is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story.

Why are they important? It's important because in any motif used will vastly improve your story if it has narrative significance.

What makes a great work of art? You can come back to it over and over again and find greater and greater depth.

Friday, 3 April 2020

POV or POT shot

Here's the video clip:

Points to discuss:

What is a POV shot? Pov shot is stands with point of view which means the characters attention are match.

What is a ‘point of thought’ shot? The point of thought gives your audience a visual
expression of yiur chracter's mind

Why are they important? Point of view determines how your audience Experiences your visual world.