
Monday, 18 June 2018

18th jun 2018

                                    three-piece cross knot
                             Image result for 4 piece wooden puzzle solution

hello guys, that puzzle is for kids, our teacher on technology teach us how to make that puzzle, and match the puzzle. I don't know when do I make it. I just take it home and play with my families, that wooden is smooth and those edges are sharp, I just sand so that many people using this puzzle makes their hands safe. I just tried how to play this but I didn't match it. I just tried the other way to match those 3 blocks of wood, and I just watched on youtube, I searched how to match 3 wooden puzzles. thank for reading my all text whatever.

                                    wooden thread spinner
                              Image result for wooden thread spinner
this is the second that I built since last month ago. I try to play several days, and my little brothers play that as well. I made this for my mom. It's really good news because my mother loved that after when she was a child It makes me feel happy, we talked about that toy, My mother told me that (when she was a child they're doing it except the wooden that I made. It's different because when I built like yours I used buttons). I learned how to make it, Its really simple how to make that thing. It's really simple how to make that, scroll down the link. that's all I know.




1 comment:

  1. hello Henry
    I like what you made in wood.
    I like how you use picture for what you did.

    from Jacob storer


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