
Thursday, 30 November 2017

task 1

AIM:To make a few sentences describe what conservation means to me and I will ask 6
other people for their ideas; record similarities and differences on a wall chart.Put department
of conservation definition at the end of my chart.


1.I will ask 6 other people to describe conservation
2.I will put all of my findings in my blog
3.I will put the DOC definition
4.I will publish my blog


1.I will ask 6 other people
2.I will put all of my findings in my blog
3.I will put the DOC definition

Thursday, 23 November 2017


AIM:To find a small creature that lives in  bush or a stream or on the sea shore and make an
accurate drawing of it on the spot then Ill let it go,Ill describe where it lives.

1.I will use the cover glass to catch ang insect.
2.and draw the insect that you catch.
3.publish your blog..


1.Cover glass
2.paper and pencil


1.Use the cover glass.
2.find the insect.

Friday, 10 November 2017

task 14

AIM:To photograph 5 parts of identified native plants within my district.


1.Find the native plants within my district
2.Take a photo of a native plants.
3.put them on your blog
4.Put it on my blog


Camera or phone


1.Find native plants
2.take photo







Friday, 3 November 2017

Task 2
AIM:This lesson I aim to compose a poem with a conservation message


1.I need to plan about poem
2.Research about conservation.
2.I will write a poem about conservation.
3.I'll publish my work on my blog.


  Pen and paper


1.Think of a poem and plan
2.Write the poem

C-caring of the environment
O-of the earth
N-now will make us
R-reserved a
V-very beautiful place
A-A clean and green
I-Intact and pressure

Task 20

AIM:To collect six traditional proverbs which link conservation with everyday life.


1.Research about traditional proverbs.
2.Copy the list of traditional proverbs
3.Publish on my blog


1.Search the traditional proverbs
2.Copy the traditional proverbs


The conservation of natural
resources the findamental
problem.Unless we solve that that problem
it will avail us little to solve all others.

Dig the well before you are thirsty.

Earth provides enough to safety every man's needs,
but not every man's greed.

Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.

Wildness is the preservation of the world.

The holy land is everywhere.

Man is a complex being:he makes deserts bloom-and lakes die.


Monday, 9 October 2017

Task 9
AIM:To grow a native plant from native seed and take care for four weeks.


1. I need to get a native seed from Ms.
2.I'll put the soil and seed in container or pot.
3.Plant the seed for  4 weeks
4.Water the plants and check it.
5.Take a picture
6.Publish the blog.

     native flowers
     Pot or container

1.take a seed
2.then take a container and soil for the seed plant the seed then water the seed

Thursday, 21 September 2017

LO-describe what the issues are in regards to the destruction of forests and what can be done to
regenerate the forests.


1.We use trees for the following:

    -Trees and forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants.
    -Trees provide shade and shelter, timber for construction, fuel for cooking and heating, and fruit for food as           well as having many other uses.
    -Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and       give life to the world's wildlife.
    -Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases  and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on             their leaves and bark.
    -Trees reduce runoff by breaking rainfall thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the         earth below the tree.

Image result for native trees nzcorynocarpus laevagitus

Image result for native trees nzTakana native trees

Image result for native trees nzCabbage tree

Image result for native trees nzNative flora

Image result for native trees nzPyrus Salicfolia Pendula

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

I don't like gymnastic because its very hard to split and stretch your body. I don't know how to jump over the line.

Friday, 18 August 2017

abductor digiti minimi hand Its main function is to pull the little finger away from the other fingers (abduction). ... Nerve functions are supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. abductor digiti minimi foot The abductor digiti minimi inserts on the fibular (outer) side at the base of the first phalanx (bone) of the little toe. abductor hallucis The abductor hallucis abducts the big toe (spreads it outward), whereas the adductor hallucis muscle adducts the big toe (moving it in toward to other toes). abductor pollicis brevis Abductor polemicist breves. The abductor polemicist brevis muscle is located in the hand between the wrist and the base of the thumb abductor polemicist long us The abductor polemicist longs muscle is innervated by the posterior intercourse nerve, which is a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve after it passes through the insulator muscle. It can also flex and medially rotate the thigh. The abductor breves muscle emerges from the body at the inferior ramus of the pubis.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

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